Thorough Diagnosis

Consultation and Business Diagnosis

SMEs account for over 95% of all businesses of the global economy but at the same time, Statistics show that 8 out of 10 start-ups fail in the first 3 years. Once any starting subsidies have been absorbed, SMEs can face many challenges, such as: higher costs, lack of financial resources finance and shortage of skills and expertise.
At Daremtec, we help young SMEs owners to stay in business and grow through the use of assessment tools in capability areas covering Performance Management, Human Resource, Financial Management and Productivity.

Why do you need our consultation services?

We can help you if you are asking yourself the questions such as:

  • How is my business worth?
  • What is the range of my company’s market value in case of transfer, processing or sale.
  • How to adapt to the changing market.
  • How to improve profitability.
  • How to evaluate the financial resources and profitability.
  • What are the gaps that prevent me from doing this?
  • How to make effective decision making
  • How to retain customers?
  • How to retain my qualified employees?
Our solutions :

Our team of experts will conduct a thorough business diagnosis of 3 distinct stages:

  • Situation analysis: to provide us with a snapshot of the business in its current state
  • Action planning session: to compile a plan for future to work to be undertaken on the business
  • Decision and full plan implementation
Our Offers

Entrust our experts to conduct an independent analysis of your company and your quality management process to identify issues that slow down or affect your success.